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Japan introduces new business growth strategy

#investor Support, #Market Insight, #Startup Support

The Japanese government has unveiled an economic strategy aimed at overcoming deflation and boosting the country's growth rate. The measures include strengthening supply capacity by increasing labor forces and stimulating capital investment, with a focus on fostering new industries and improving productivity. Support for startups is emphasized, with improvements to the stock options system to facilitate the recruitment of exceptional talent and considering enhancements to tax incentives for stock purchases.

Furthermore, reforms are planned to negate company owners requiring personal guarantees, thereby easing the startup process — especially for immigrants starting businesses. The proposed Business Reconstruction Law would enable debt reduction by majority vote rather than unanimous consent among creditors.

These reforms are designed to encourage entrepreneurship and second chances in business, with the aim of revitalizing Japan's industrial metabolism and creating a more favorable environment for startups to flourish by channeling necessary talent and capital into essential businesses.

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